What is happiness to you?
Find out what is most urgently missing in your life and how to fix it.
A glimpse into the future
with no denying of the past…
Many of the problems faced by today’s societies may originate from the fact that modern Man almost universally adopted a lifestyle to which he may, genetically speaking, not be fully adapted.
Or in other words, a dietary environment, living environment, social environment and cultural environment that truly fits the human genetic heritage may give individuals greater chances of well being, fulfillment and happiness.
Broadly speaking, if a given culture promotes a way of life that enters in conflict with the genetic make up of its members, we can expect this same culture to generate individuals who will live a life that goes against their own nature and therefore will show high levels of dissatisfaction, depression, pain and suffering. In return, it can be argued that putting nature and nurture back in alignment will to certain extent improve human condition.
Science is simply common sense at its best